The Bunny Project: A community mail art collaboration funded by a grant from the City of San Leandro and the Arts, Culture and Library Commission.

Why the BUNNY project?

Rabbits are having a moment.

They're cute, they're prolific, and they get around, just like mail art! 

Mail art has a long and storied history of democratizing art-making, providing an avenue for anyone to participate. Unlike the commercial and non-profit art markets, mail art shows require no entry fee and no curator or jury—everyone’s work is exhibited.

Over the past few months, I created hundreds of postcard-size "starter" collages* and distributed them to venues where people gather in San Leandro. Community members discovered them, added to them, and mailed them back. The USPS was a collaborator, too, adding their own marks as they processed the collage postcards through the system and into my PO Box. Good job, USPS!

These little 4" x 6" gems of collaborative creativity are on view here, and IRL, along the gallery wall at the main library in San Leandro starting November 2nd. A reception will be held at the library on Sunday, November 10, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. You'll have another chance then to create a collage to add to The Bunny Project.

* All 500 unique starter collages were numbered, hence the numbers associated with those that were returned.

Collage #2
Collage #3
Collage #6
Collage #10
Collage #17
Collage #39
Collage #41
Collage #48
Collage #72
Collage #74: "art is your heart"
Collage #75
Collage #87
Collage #88
Collage #89
Collage #93
Collage #95
Collage #109
Collage #120
Collage #151
Collage #152
Collage #153
Collage #154
Collage #156
Collage #157
Collage #158
Collage #161
Collage #162
Collage #163
Collage #164
Collage #165
Collage #166
Collage #168
Collage #185
Collage #191
Collage #199
Collage #201
Collage #245
Collage #248
Collage #249
Collage #253
Collage #264
Collage #265
Collage #268
Collage #269
Collage #271
Collage #278
Collage #297
Collage #350
Collage #363
Collage #378
Collage #387
Collage #389
Collage #437
Collage #441
Collage #445
Collage #447
Collage #453
Collage #471
Collage #474
Collage #475
Collage #477
Collage #482
Collage #484
Collage #485
Collage #494
Collage #495
Collage #496
Collage #500